
2008 Wish List

Just doing this for fun
i think i have been wanting alot of things lately... actually from the past year but havent been able to buy or do it because of lack of money (plead for donation haha)or not enough time (excuse as usual :P)

anyway i thought i could just list all the things i want and see how much can i get this year.. for added motivation maybe

1. apple notebook (gosh they tempt me even more with their new macbook air which even costs more)
2. canon eos 40d (i'm waiting for the price to go down)
3. rachael yamagata's concert... she's releasing her new album soon... when??! cant wait and please come to Seattle... i'm still listening to your songs everyday :)
4. summer internship at merryl linch or some other top investment companies.. need to make a return on my MBA-degree investment right.. besides i think i can only do this while i'm still young... too much stress involved (especially when markets go down)
5. getaway to london or mexico.. i know they are opposites of places but both really intrigue me... i guess depend on how my stocks are doing over the summer will determine where i will go since london is a very expensive place to visit
6. learn spanish... i think i've been surrounded by mexicans too much
7. juanes' concert... i havent seen seattle on his tour dates yet... why???!!!
8. learn to cook more... i really want to know how to make a delicious mushroom soup
9. get a new car... need to motivate my sister to learn how to drive... so she can buy a new car ASAP haha
10. be a better investor... one of the main reasons why so many delays on so many things are because my greediness... oh how i wish i could turn back time and just be satisfied with the profits i could have already made :(

i guess that's for now... hopefully not adding more things soon... have plenty already

1 comment:

Missy said...

yes, you can't be greedy at all when it comes to trading stocks. No regrets and dont be greedy ... or else, you will suffer!!!! Hehe good luck deh, moga2 tambah byk duit and treat gua pas gw dateng ke seattle huhuhu