

Happenstance…the never can be…

Main Entry: hap·pen·stance; Etymology: happen + circumstance: A circumstance especially that is due to chance. - Merriam Webster Dictionary

"Happenstance, produced by John Alagia (John Mayer, Dave Matthews etc.), is a collection of songs inspired by my obsessions, often love related, but not always. It’s about the battle between chance circumstances and the belief that everything happens for a reason. The title and the back cover addition of ‘the never can be’ suggest that I’m not really endorsing chance, but, in fact insisting that there must be a reason for repeated broken hearts – perhaps a promise of a better situation, learning experience, the greater love etc. It’s a circular argument… and it’s merely a matter of ‘happenstance’ that the title is what it is anyway. Without the hopefulness of reason, how could anyone weather the highs and lows of relationships and this delightful junk called love." by Rachel Yamagata

A wonderful singer and love her voice so much as it ables to sooth my lost soul these days. Heard her song titled "Reason Why" by chance... I actually had the song for a long time (it is listed on the soundtrack of The Last Kiss) but somehow had never bothered to listen even a few seconds of it. So one day Dea was listening to my iPod and once she gave it back to me, her song was the one that was playing. I was immediately hooked by her voice... hmm it's really funny coz the way she describes her album as "happenstance - the never can be" and there you go... if Dea had never borrowed my iPod, then there never could be a chance of me listening to her song. An incident that insists to those who believe that there must be a reason for anything.

1 comment:

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