
Daily Dose for Breakfast

It has become my habit to wake up early these past months... even though I don't have any work or class to go to
Simple reason: daily dose of stock news
I have to admit it almost became an addiction... I could not take my eyes off Yahoo! Finance
But since last month I'm glad that I could cut back... it's not an obsession anymore
I just check my stock price for a couple of times during the day
Well it's still my daily thing... looking at market index going up and down... it just plays with your heart really
Somehow I came up with an idea to make my habit a lil bit more unusual
If the market is going down during the day I'm going to play the song "It's Going Down" by Yung Joc (it's the Seahawks' song) and if the market is doing well then I'm going to play "Gimme More" by Britney Spears (Yes gimme gimme more $$$)
I would like to think of more songs so that I could rotate and maybe make a playlist haha

1 comment:

Missy said...

OMG cittt hahaha... gua juga udah mulai begitu ni, gua dah mulai maen2 saham... nyokap gua tuh tiap kali cek sahammm mulu, gua barusan jg cek2 gitu online. Gua maunya lebih ke arah investment sih, tp bokap gua sama sekali ga setuju gw maen saham hix