

can't sleep
urghhh i dont know if it's caused by jet lag or coz my mind just wont switch off!
maybe too many thoughts and therefore i can't sleep
or maybe i can't sleep and therefore my mind wanders... which cause which
yes alot of maybes to start the new year... not a good sign huh?!
there are certainly doubts, confusion and questions
which again no answer cant be found at this point
or maybe i did but just afraid to accept the answer

anyway i'm very grateful to close 2006 with memorable and priceless moments
as expected going home after being away for 2 years will have both postive and negative impacts on me...
being able to be around and see my family again is definitely a bless
the traffic, the heat, the dust, the over-crowded places haha what can i say... it's my hometown jakarta... it comes with all those :P
meeting old and new friends open my mind
i sense struggle especially with those who used to be studying overseas
yes some even admit that reality is hard to accept in jakarta but i'm thrilled when some still have abundance of optimism that they can succeed even if that means they have to "banting tulang" :)
it motivates me more to succeed here... to best use every opportunity i have here and not to be scared to create chances

and yes something is missing when i get back to seattle
i think coz i havent seen any of my faithful seattlelites friends
where art thou??? me missing you...
hope to see you all soon :)

1 comment:

oTTeR said...

hey, my faithful seattlelite friend :)
sorry I didn't come join you watch the (I bet) wonderful seahawks vs cowboys game! was just lazing around in my room, to tell you the truth! hahaha

glad to know you had a good time back home. it's never easy. we're living in two extremely different culture. you get culture shock or reverse culture shock either way.

it's never easy to make decisions. doubt will probably always stick around. it's all about making the choice and going with it. the hardest is to make that call. but, I know that whichever way you decide, you'll do your best in it. no regrets. just do it :)

be strong. surround yourself with people that can empower you.