
Life Too Short

I just came back from attending my auntie's funeral in Toronto
It's ironic the only times I went to visit toronto is either when there is a family's wedding or a funeral
A short trip but very memorable one
I got to know my cousins' kids... charissa, michaella, james, jasmine, and kiwi as well
It's the first time i saw them and they already grow up not babies anymore
I got to see donald who now lives in his own bachelor pad, nicole who almost done with her school and megan who is going to start hers soon... wow lots of things have changed
but last not least I got to know more about my auntie awa... such a strong woman... raised her kids on her own... traveling from one country to another... wow i could never imagine that... i regard her as a fighter and i hope she can rest in peace now since her final fight against cancer is done
i cried... i cried for someone i didnt know very well... and i think that's what made me cried... the fact that she's a member of my family and i didnt even know a bit about her life until i attended her funeral
it hit me... really life is short... even too short to know someone.. even someone who shares your family blood
we even share a common name (I never realized that since I never knew her indonesian name... which is Indrawati Widjaja and guess what her friends call her Mrs. Wati... I smiled when I heard it)

In remembrance of my auntie Awa who may have struggled for most of her life but never struggle to love, care and protect her children


Missy said...

Sorry to hear about your auntie ya cit. Dipanggil wati pula, wah gw jd terharu pas baca bagian itu. You have a nephew/niece name kiwi?? Aww thats really cuteee... cewe atau cowo? Ikut2an chris martin-gwyneth yee hehe... apple.. kiwi.. maybe i'll name my kid Guava or Tangerine ahhaha...

cimong said...

tenkiu ver
keponakan gw itu ce... well namanya aslinya katelina
i dunno if i spell it right but iya dipanggilnya kiwi hehe
susah lagi kalo guava ato tangerine
mango aja gampang
hmm jadi kepengen yogurt di red mango
entar yah lu disini gw ajakin makan yogurt :)